Everbooks Books Artists Love: William E. Jones ( Apr 17, 2018 )

ForYourArt asks artists and writers to create handwritten lists of timeless, influential books as part of our ongoing project Everbooks.

Everbooks by William E. Jones

Kenneth Anger, Hollywood Babylon
Jack Black, You Can’t Win
Tony Duvert, Diary of an Innocent
David W. Maurer, The Big Con
Boyd McDonald [editor], Cum
Petronius, Satyricon
James Purdy, Narrow Rooms
Purusha, The Divine Androgyne
A.J.A. Symons, The Quest for Corvo
Steven Zeeland, Military Trade

William E. Jones, an artist and filmmaker who teaches at the Art Center College of Design, shares his list below. Jones has made two feature length experimental films, Massillon (1991) and Finished (1997), several short videos, including The Fall of Communism as Seen in Gay Pornography (1998), the feature length documentary Is It Really So Strange? (2004), and many video installations.

ForYourArt and Goodreads introduced Everbooks at the 2016 Printed Matter’s LA Art Book Fair. Through Everbooks, ForYourArt takes ephemeral and privately shared passions and circulates them with a broader public in order to continue our mission to bridge everyday life and art.

45 min
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